Farm Calendar Summer 2024
13 August 2024

We got a dry week in late July to cut and collect the grass for winter feed. We mowed 40 acres of meadow to make into hay and haylage - a slightly damper version, which will be collected and stored as round bales to cut into at a later date, should it be needed for supplementary feed.

It is a species rich grassland made up of herbs, plants and wildflowers, which being cut later in the year have had chance to grow and set seed. It gives a varied diet for the cattle and sheep to sustain them through the lean months when grass growth is lower.  

In early July our shepherdess and an external contractor spend two days clipping the sheep. Unfortunately the wool isn't worth as much as it once was so it's not a money making exercise but it is something we have to do each summer as the temperatures rise to prevent infection from flies.

Another annual job with the sheep at this time of year is weaning the lambs from the ewes. The lambs are now 4 months old and able to live on summer grass growth. The ewes go up to the high ground to dry off and regain weight before breeding in winter.

The cattle are rotating their grazing around the upland allotments (large, rough, enclosures, rather than a vegetable patch!) of the farm as part of our conservation grazing plan. Through selective eating, trampling, rolling and their dung the cattle help maintain the delicate habitat and its nutrients balance to benefit wildlife. The cows stay out all year round, growing slowly to produce a delicious, high quality protein product after about 5 years.

Soon, it will be time for the autumn lamb sales and dare I say it - we'll start to think about tupping time, and the cycle starts again!

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